“I first came to Hands-on Health in April 2018 for physiotherapy, because I had been suffering with tendonitis in my right wrist since December 2017, caused by RSI at work. At that time, I was a very active member of the Exmouth Gig Rowing Club, and after a particularly hard rowing session, I got bruising, tingling and loss of grip strength as well as shoulder pain. I was told it was due to trapped nerves so I had to give up rowing for several months and was worried that I wouldn’t be able to row competitively again.
“Following a couple of physiotherapy sessions with Jayne, I was advised to have soft tissue work with Albie, who gave me four treatments over a two-month period. The improvement was so great that I went back to rowing on a rowing machine from August to December 2018 and then back to full-on gig rowing training in January 2019.
“Then, in March 2019, I came back to Albie for TRX training, because I was going to be competing in the World Pilot Gig Championships and wanted to be as strong and fit as possible. Albie trained me once a week, and my hard work was rewarded when the club’s Ladies A crew ended up in 70th position overall – our highest finishing position ever and best position result out of all the Exmouth gig club crews that have ever attended.
“I’ve continued the weekly TRX training ever since, together with occasional deep tissue shoulder massage treatments, and the effect has been brilliant – I was thrilled to have been selected to row for Devon A ladies team in the county championships in October, where Devon finished an impressive 2nd overall.
“I’ll be keeping up the TRX training and massage to prepare for next season.”
Nicola Price

"I called Hands-on Health after a back injury. I was struggling to get back to full mobility and knew I needed help. I had been to the clinic before and had been impressed. I started seeing Ellie once a week and I must say I was made to feel welcome and was dealt with in a very professional manner. I gradually improved and my pain levels reduced. I know that without the help of Ellie and the Hands-on Health team I would not have made the significant progress that I have done in the six-week time frame. I am now back at work and feeling much better. I would recommend Ellie to anyone; she is a fantastic therapist."
Sue Rock

"For years, I’ve been getting pins and needles down my right-hand side. I had it all checked by a consultant, and it’s nothing sinister, but it is a problem that the NHS couldn’t do anything about. I was having episodes several times a day, lasting about ten minutes, and wasn’t nice. In autumn 2017, I went along to the Getting Old? Feeling Good! event at the Devoncourt Hotel and talked to Albie about the problem. He did some gentle work on my back and it made a difference, so I booked an appointment at Hands-on Health. I have been seeing him, initially once a month, and more recently every six weeks, and he has given me neck exercises to do every day too. In that time, I have had very few episodes of pins and needles, and the ones I’ve had have just lasted maybe ten seconds. Massage really has made a big difference and I’m delighted to find out how effective the therapeutic side of massage is – it’s so much more than relaxation. What I particularly like about Albie is that he’s analytical – he puts forward hypotheses and tests them. I come from a science education background, so I like that process of reflection, analysis and thoughtful application."

“I had a bi-compartmental knee replacement in September 2018. Although I was following the exercises that the physiotherapist gave me, I wasn't really making any progress, my confidence was low and the pain was only just bearable. I was having no problems straightening my leg but I was having a lot of pain and issues bending it. I don't like taking painkillers, so I was putting up with the pain. My consultant advised me that if I didn't get sufficient bend in the knee, then they would manipulate the leg for me which could be extremely painful.
“I talked to Albie at Hands-on Health in October, and we discussed TRX as a way forward for the knee stiffness and pain. Albie looked at the issue in a different way. I had never heard of TRX before, but this opened up a whole new avenue of rehabilitation after surgery.
“At the beginning I couldn’t bend my knee to 90 degrees, and my leg was weak, but progress was fast and effective; after just three months of weekly one-hour TRX sessions, I was able to bend my knee to over 120 degrees and the pain had virtually gone in everyday use. Albie did not tell me to give up doing the exercises from the physiotherapist but to do them in addition to the exercises that we did with TRX.
“Now I’m feeling much stronger and more confident overall, having used TRX to work on my upper body, leg and core muscles at the same time. TRX has made a huge difference to my life. Albie took it at my pace, understood my lack of confidence initially with the pain and weakness I was feeling in my knee and I didn't feel under pressure. He tailored the TRX exercises to my specific needs, aimed at rehabilitation and fitness.
“I see TRX now as helping me build my core strength and help me build up my other leg which also needs a knee replacement. Using the TRX has given me the confidence to go back to the gym and use a bike as well as a rowing machine and I swim regularly.”
Peter Green

"I moved down to Devon having retired, but my health was poor, and I have fibromyalgia. I couldn’t move my neck and shoulder and had to twist when driving. The pain had also impacted on my sleep and sitting. I wanted to focus on putting my health back on track, improve my mental wellbeing and start looking after myself after years of looking after others.
"I’m absolutely thrilled that I found Hands-on Health – Albie has produced miracles! I started off seeing him for massage once a week, and then later once a fortnight. My neck and shoulder are now pain-free and I can move fully. I love driving and he’s made that part of my life so much more enjoyable. Now he is working on my lower back and hips that have given me pain since I can’t remember when – a half-hour treatment once a week. I think I’m getting to the end of this journey to recovery now, and Albie has given me my life back. That sounds dramatic, I know, but I can bend, and lift, and walk and sleep – and that’s enabled me to have a much more positive outlook on life.
"Hands-on Health also offers yoga classes, and I felt very comfortable, with Albie’s encouragement, to try them. Now I’m doing a couple of sessions a week, and I can do things I never thought I’d be able to do in my life – I’ve now got so much flexibility it’s unbelievable!
"Stopping work was very difficult, but now I can see my health is improving, and there is light at the end of the tunnel – every time I go I’m getting better and I put it all down to the professionalism, skill, thoughtfulness and support from Albie and the facilities at Hands-on Health. I’ve got me back!"

"I had a very active life, including Nordic walking, 100k walking challenges, zumba, gym workouts, Pilates and swimming. Then, in October 2017, I slipped on the stairs on a bus when it suddenly braked, moved off, and then braked again. In trying to keep my balance, I wrenched my right shoulder.
"The resulting injury made it very difficult to elevate and rotate my arm, and the shoulder became much weaker. I was able to carry on with the walking but had to stop, or was restricted in, all my other activities.
"When things didn’t improve, I saw my GP and was referred for a scan, which revealed a partial thickness tear, for which surgery was not necessary. I saw a physiotherapist, who gave me some exercises to do at home, but I needed someone who could supervise the exercises I needed to do to improve movement. As I had done TRX with Albie in the past, I thought he was the best guy to see as I thought he would be able to focus the TRX exercises to target the injury.
"My first TRX session was in February 2018, about four months after the accident, and I discussed what the physiotherapist had suggested with Albie so that he could develop a suitable programme.
"The TRX sessions have been brilliant. I can now swim crawl and backstroke as well as a more vigorous breast stroke. I’m now able to put any top garments on without discomfort, my balance has improved, so I’m no longer paranoid about falling over. I’m sleeping better as I’m no longer woken up by the shoulder being painful and I can wash and brush my hair without any discomfort.
"I had a bit of a setback last September when I tripped over and badly bruised my ribs, but Albie took all that into consideration and adjusted the TRX exercises to help with that injury as well.
"I’ve been so pleased with the progress I’ve made and I’m more or less ready to gradually resume the activities I did before the accident. I intend to carry on with the TRX and I’ve signed up to do kettlebells too."
Val Toomey

"Even after just six TRX sessions I can feel the additional flexibility and power in my golf swing.
"It’s much easier to get into the back swing and follow through, giving me greater distance."
Kim Johnson

"I was recommended to Albie and TRX training at Hands-on Health by a private physiotherapist who had been working with me for some months.
"I had sciatica and pins and needles into my right foot and toes. The pain was so excruciating that I had not been able to walk further than about half a mile without turning back for ibuprofen to relieve the pain. Actually, the ibuprofen alone wasn't strong enough and my doctor also recommended paracetamol. In the meantime, after about a year of no exercise, my lower back also became very painful and despite the many therapies that I tried, including regular trips to the chiropractor, I was beginning to think that nothing worked.
"Albie helped me to set a goal to walk in Greece while I was working there and within three sessions on the TRX I was noticing a big difference! The pain was lessening and I was able to walk further each week, to my great joy!
"Albie was so gentle, never pushed me beyond what I felt I could do. He was deeply respectful and explained to me exactly why we were doing certain exercises and how they would help. He helped me to feel motivated and I began to believe that what I wanted to achieve was possible.
"I did walk for about four miles in Greece - I met my goal! Actually, I met my goal BEFORE I went to Greece! Needless to say, I am walking about five miles each time now and loving every minute of it.
"Without Albie's help and care and the TRX I would not be where I am today - 95% pain free, mobile and getting stronger every day!
"Thank you Albie - you rock!"
Ann Ross

"My previous knowledge of hypnotherapy was vague, and I did not know how NLP would work for me. I was in a desperate state when I contacted Nicci, I had not slept in weeks and was scared that I had forgotten how to sleep. Nicci was able to listen to my concerns and needs and then create a personalised programme over six weeks, where we explored different aspects of why I may not be sleeping.
"Through hypnosis, I was able to relax and explore hidden fears, I was able to listen to my inner voice and rationalise my thoughts. Nicci gave me exercises and information to take away with, this gave me tools to use at my discretion and practice some of the techniques. I was able to open up my stress bucket and let my worries and concerns melt away.
"I am incredibly grateful to Nicci and I would thoroughly recommend Hypnotherapy and NLP to other people."

“TRX ought to be on the NHS! It’s absolutely brilliant. I was told that you can walk on the actual knee replacement half an hour after the operation – it’s the damage to all the soft tissue around it that’s the problem! So TRX is helping me to build up the strength in the muscles around my knee that atrophied while I was waiting for my operation.
“Albie is brilliant at targeting the right muscles. My leg is already stronger and I have more mobility. When I walk upstairs I’m now putting my weight through my left leg – where I used to hobble up, I now walk up three flights properly.
"Just as TRX was recommended to me, I would recommend it to anybody – and I have already sent a friend along!”
Ed Caudrelier

"Thank you Hands-on Health and in particular Albie. My shoulder is feeling much better - a few more massage sessions and an injury I have had all my life I am sure will soon be gone."
Ollie Bainbridge

“I cannot recommend Hands-on Health highly enough. I had suffered with a painful shoulder for over two years and one massage session has cleared the stiffness and the pain.
"When I went they said they couldn't work miracles but that is exactly what they did! Thank you!”
Eve Barisic

"Thank you to Albie and the team at Hands on Health for helping my husband with treatments and suggestions after a back injury. Highly recommended!"
Vicky Tarran via Facebook