Chiropractors are qualified primary healthcare professionals who offer hands-on treatment for problems with the spine, bones, joints and muscles that support the body (the ‘musculoskeletal system’). The General Chiropractic Council (GCC) regulates chiropractors in the UK and provides information about chiropractic.
Hands-on Health’s chiropractor Dave Evans is registered with the GCC and the methods of treatment he offers include:
- Initial careful questioning, physical examination and the possibility of spinal X-rays to give an accurate diagnosis.
- An individualised Plan of Care drawing from a ‘tool box’ of different chiropractic systems of specific spinal adjustment.
- The characteristic chiropractic method of a fast, low amplitude technique on joints.
- Use of a hand-held adjusting instrument, drop table, pelvic aligning/stabilising wedges and his own hands and body to deliver both release and stabilising techniques.
- Muscle work using massage, Graston fascia release, acupuncture needling and cranio-sacral therapy.
- Advice on exercise and strengthening with referral to colleagues when appropriate (eg physiotherapist, massage team, TRX or Pilates trainers)
This treatment should enable us, as two legged creatures, to stand erect against gravity, thus allowing space for our brains, spinal cords and nerves to function effectively, keeping us pain-free, fit and healthy!
Please call 01395 224207, email info@hands-onhealth.co.uk or drop in to Hands-on Health at 16 Victoria Road, Exmouth for more information or to book an appointment.